Seroyal - Magnesium Complex Liquid 450ml
Concentrated combination of organic magnesium sources
• Helps to maintain cardiovascular health*
• Promotes healthy glucose metabolism*
• Supports muscle function*
• Helps to prevent magnesium deficiency*
• Delicious natural blueberry-raspberry flavor
Magnesium Complex Liquid is a concentrated combination of three organic magnesium sources: magnesium glycinate, citrate and malate. Insufficient magnesium intake is estimated to occur in approximately two-thirds of the American population, making it is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating insulin-mediated glucose uptake, and low serum magnesium levels are associated with decreased insulin secretion. In healthy participants with low serum magnesium levels, daily supplementation with 300 mg of magnesium has been shown to improve glucose metabolism and pancreatic β-cell function. Each tablespoon serving of Magnesium Complex Liquid provides 500 mg of magnesium to help prevent magnesium deficiency, maintain cardiovascular health, promote healthy glucose metabolism, and support muscle function.*
• 有助於維持心血管健康*
• 促進健康的葡萄糖代謝*
• 支持肌肉功能*
• 有助於預防鎂缺乏*
• 美味的天然藍莓-覆盆子風味
鎂複合液體是三種有機鎂來源的濃縮組合:甘氨酸鎂、檸檬酸鎂和蘋果酸鎂。據估計,大約三分之二的美國人口中鎂攝入量不足,這使其成為最常見的營養缺乏症之一。鎂在調節胰島素介導的葡萄糖攝取中起重要作用,低血清鎂水平與胰島素分泌減少有關。在血清鎂水平低的健康參與者中,每天補充 300 毫克鎂已被證明可以改善葡萄糖代謝和胰腺 β 細胞功能。每湯匙鎂複合液體提供 500 毫克鎂,有助於預防鎂缺乏症、維持心血管健康、促進健康的葡萄糖代謝和支持肌肉功能。 *